Sunday, January 6, 2013

I'm Through [Simple Sunday]

It's kind of gross how good I'm getting at ordinary days becoming extraordinary.

Why is today extraordinary?!

Downton Abbey. Revenge. Once Upon A Time. NHL is back. I have coffee. I'm at work blaring some Mumford & Sons, Sara B, Ben Howard, and Bonhiver (that's the hipster way to spell it, because I wanted to make you vomit....kisses!)

All of these things are quite simple. All of them are quite normal. But you add them together and you have an amazing Sunday at work, all before noon. I have a lot to get done today, but I have until 4:00 so I think I'm going to take my break early and go on Pinterest and find a recipe to make tonight. Because if baking doesn't make a day magical, nothing does.

Some other things that are making me happy:

--I had an insomnia attack (I'm calling them attacks because I do not wish them upon my poor mind, they just happen!) last night and didn't get enough sleep, but I'm feeling so very energized. It's the coffee talking, and in a few hours this energy may leave...but cheers to not falling asleep at my desk after a night of tossing and turning! Cheers to productivity, well, kind of. Is it productive to write a blog at work? I suppose when you're taking your break to write about happiness it is!
--I'm using so many parenthesis in this post. If there's one thing I love more than .... it's ( ). Holla for a dolla.
--This song. I may have just started crying at work...but it's fine. I'm a 21 year old female, we own our emotions however fluctuating they may be. Cheers to that? Yes.
--I'm going to go home and prepare for my night of television by watching the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love. Because Steve Carrell in New Balance shoes is what I'm about on the perfect Sunday from Heaven. Most people stare at Ryan Gosling, who I agree has cheekbones only Jesus himself could chizzle, but I always gotta go with the underdog. Rooting for Steve, always.

--I'm planning a trip to California, which on a cold Minnesota morning is all I can think about.

--I'm getting my very first massage EVER this week. EEEEK!!! Is it weird to be nervous? I'm nervous! But so very excited. It was a gift given to me by some of my very favorite people and I'm just so excited to relax and breathe for an hour. I should try doing that more....

--This break. It's been near perfection. I spent a lovely week with my family. I saw relatives I don't get to see very often. My 75 year old grandparents called me at 2am to ask how partying was going on New Years Eve... I was headed to bed. Gma was on her 3rd Baileys and 'needed to behave herself.' Grandpa was talking about needing to get pants on. (I don't know....) Hysterical. And the rest of break has been relaxing and spending time with my very best friends. Couldn't be better!

Also, I may have woken up later than planned today and had to run out the door to catch the bus to work. Which meant throwing my lunch (leftover pizza...baked potato luce... BEST SUNDAY EVER!) in my bag with no rhyme or reason. After a block of walking to said bus stop I just started laughing at the realization that I had floating pizza in my purse. Who AM I?! The weirdest human.... Luckily, they had plastic protecting them from purse lint...but it was a close call. Too close when there's baked potato pizza from luce at stake!

I hope you're Sunday finds you relaxed and either celebrating a Packer win or nursing your broken heart from the Vikes. It's okay, next year! (I don't do football, it's almost as bad as celery to me...... and I think celery is the devil's candy.)

Cheers to you, cheers to complicated simplicity, cheers to television controlling my happiness. Jokez.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of this so much. Thanks for a lovely post, lady. And that SONG! Whoa.
