Thursday, March 7, 2013

To The Vulnerable.

I was in class on Tuesday night, and my professor said something that has really stuck with me. We're talking about the differences between race and ethnicity, and how as homosapiens, we are one race. Our enthicities are what seperate us, but not our race. We talked further about how we cannot choose what we are blessed with. My professor is an attractive middle aged white man, wife and children, has been 'poor' in terms of raising children is expensive, but never close to bankruptcy. He talked about how in his upbringing his parents worked really hard, and they had a lot to show for it. He basically explained the upbrining of at least 75% of the students in my class. Suburbia, blessed, and very fortunate. What he said next is what has stayed with me.

While we cannot be defined by what we were given beyond our control, we can be defined by how we help the vulnerable. Those that cannot help that they were born into poverty, or broken homes, or with disabilities. And I love that. I love those words. We are defined by how we help the vulnerable.

I wanted to share it because I hope wherever you're at in life, whatever phase you're in the midst of, I hope you have someone cheering you on at all times. Whether it's your daughter, your friend at work, your dog. Someone or something that keeps you going and helping you when you're vulnerable. I know for a fact that the only way I keep going at times is by reminding myself of those people in my life that pick me up.

So, cheers to the vulnerable. To those who make it work, everyday, and never stop trying. Cheers to those who recognize their blessings, and use them to give out good. Cheers to you.

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