Sunday, April 21, 2013

Feels Like Home

My life continues to be a big, strong whirlwind, folks. Some things seem to never change, while other things change in the blink of an eye. And isn't that wonderful? You need the constants, and you need the change. At least today I'm living with that outlook...we'll see where it takes me.

This week dragged on, and brought some crazy news. And all the while, I had my people. My best friends, my favorites, my family. I'm able to pick up my phone, dial any number in my contacts and say 'Hey, I need a moment.' and they give it to me. And that's pretty freaking great.

There's a chance that I'll be staying in Duluth a lot longer that I thought I'd be... and all this month I've been struggling with the fact that it will be without my core people. Because, while Duluth is beautiful and full of art and culture and music and beer (beer being MOST important)... soon it won't be full of the people I've grown up with these past few years.

I was struggling with this, and not knowing how to really prepare myself... and I came across a quote. Yes, I know, could I post enough quotes?! No. It could be worse. Let's move on. The quote was from a blog I stumbled upon and it said:

The places don't matter, it's the people you know in the place.

And then it hit me. Duluth is a moment in my life. This city, my house, my school... it's a brief moment in time for me. I need to embrace this place full of snow (........) and full of adventure because in a year and some months it most likely will be in the past. But, the people, who fill my life with such laughter and happiness...they'll stick around. And that's a groovy realization to have. That Duluth on it's own on a postcard in a store looks like a pretty place to visit in the summer... but the reason Duluth means so much to me is because of who I spend my time with in this city.

I think I'm going to be alright when they leave. I'll still have people here, I'll still spend my days smiling and laughing... and maybe I'll meet new people who will make this place even more special.

It's the people I know here that have made the past four years of my life something to tell my kids about. I am grateful for them. I am grateful for my time with them. And I'm grateful that we all have these huge goals that are going to take us to brand new places. Places that we'll get to explore filled with people we'll meet that will make us bigger and better.

Cheers to the people who've made Duluth my home. Cheers to the laughter, to the drinks, to the dancing, and to the moments. Cheers to you.

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