A quick note to say that it's the best feeling on the planet when you realize you have been 100% yourself. All day I was crabby. People are bossy. People are annoying. And I was walking around telling myself not to get worked up and to let it go, and I couldn't. But I got home, called Teri D, and forced myself to laugh about it and move on. And you know, it's just the best feeling. I'm not going to settle or pretend that I don't get (
fucking) livid at points. I'm not going to pretend I don't overreact at least 78 times a day. No one should have to pretend anything. For a while there, the past three years maybe, I thought I had to push away a lot of emotions so people would think of me as the funny-but-gets-things-done version of myself. I am that person, but I'm also the person that will openly weep if you point out my acne. I'm starting, or I'm continuing, to really love my 22 year old self. It's such a journey, and when there's spilt coffee and people telling you they're better at life and too tight of pants you can really lose the good times. I'm just thankful for humor, for honest moments, and for days like today where you get pissed and then get over it. Some people spend so much energy and time holding on to grudges. They are not cool people. I am cool people.
I need to not be crabby. Aka, where's the beer?
Kiss kiss.
(don't be bossy. okay, bye.)
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