Is there romance is normalcy? Is there something exciting about a plain ol' average day? Abso-freaking-lutely. Today, I did nothing but normal things. I stayed up all night studying for a test, I went to sleep and woke up with enough time to study for a few hours before my test. Then, I took a shower, put on a dress and my favorite pair of boots, and strutted my tush to school. I then took that test (not sure how I did...but I know I did the best I could do with how much I prepared) and left the classroom, leaving everything at the door. After that, I went about my day as normal. Had a great conversation with one of my favorite friends, and grabbed dinner. All of this was before going to rehearsal.

See what I mean? An average day. Nothing about today was out of the blue. Except maybe the fact that I'm not wearing a sweatshirt and my paint pants (See photo. It's gross how proud I am of myself for this outfit...) ...And sure, a test is a little more stressful, but... with all the studying I
haven't done the past few years, I'm making up for lost time. But the spending time with friends, dinner, rehearsal. It was a very average Tuesday. And I'm loving it. I'm currently sitting in my very messy living room (my fault, my fault) with my roommate watching The Holiday. My to-do list is longer than I'd like, and I'm not worrying about a damn thing. After this post, I'm going to close my computer and relax and stare at Jack Black in all his glory. I know, I should be in favor of Jude Law...but he cheats on women and therefore his face looks like a troll, AMEYERITE?
Anyway, today was great. An outfit I felt good wearing, a test I felt good about taking, and friends I feel amazing being around. It's the kind of life I should be grateful for. And today, I'm just that. Very, very grateful.
Also, I added lights to my room. This is phase one, I think I'm going to take these down and try and shape the lights to look like a tree! I'm excited, and don't you worry... I will definitely keep posting photos.
Side Note: As I was about to post this, my roommate walks in with TaterTots to eat with my Strongbow. I'm a happy, happy girl.
Even tater tots are average. But on an average day, they are the thing of legends.
That's all folks. Nothing spectacular, nothing heartbreaking. Here's to great days, great friends, and great simplicity. I cherish it all.
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