Thursday, March 7, 2013


Sometimes, I watch the show GIRLS, and I revel in the fact that my life is at least somewhat normal compared to others... And, other times, I hear a line in the show that makes me laugh for days. From the last episode, it was something like 'Oh, great.. Marnie has another astounding revelation about growing up.' (this is by no means the line but it's what I remember) I laughed so hard because I seriously feel like everyone around me is like.... We get it, MacK! Growing up sucks! Go write another blog about it, BITCHHHHHH.

Welp. I will.

I have my last weekend at my job this weekend, and another job starts soon. Transitions make me nervous, but I'm excited to start anew. And to change my scenery a bit. I think I'll change my scenery a lot in the next few years. I'm excited to graduate, to get out of Duluth, and to explore for the rest of my days.

Cheers to beginnings.

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